公告 新聞稿


[En] 渥太華 (安大略省) (2020年11月12日) – ACHK對加拿大政府及移民部長門迪奇諾於香港局勢正急速下滑之際、發表支持香港移民的新措施感到鼓舞。門迪奇諾於聲明中,提到加拿大與香港的歷史關係,並指出中國於香港執行國安惡法。



  • 豁免續領簽證或延期居留申請的手續費。
  • 新設工作簽證,容許已完成專上課程的香港人 (加拿大或香港的大專院校課程)在加拿大工作最長三年。
  • 成為永久居民的詳細申請程序將於明年(2021年)公佈。此途徑只要求最基本言能力、最基本教育水平及一年加拿大工作經驗。


  • 加拿大人(加拿大公民或永久居民)可隨時返回加拿大,政府將加快提供他們所需的相關文件。


  • 允許加拿大人的家人在旅遊限制令下例外進入加國。(入境後仍需隔離十四日)
  • 新設工作簽證,容許已完成專上課程的香港人 (加拿大或香港的大專院校課程)在加拿大工作最長三年。
  • 詳細的永久居民申請程序將於明年(2021年)公佈。此途徑只要求最基本言能力、最基本教育水平及一年加拿大工作經驗。
  • 加快審批學生簽證及移民申請(包括永久居留申請及家庭團聚擔保)。





以下為聯邦移民、難民及公民部長門迪奇諾的公佈全文: (英文)

Canada announces immigration measures supporting Hong Kong residents and Canadians in Hong Kong

November 12, 2020—Ottawa—Immigration is a key driver of Canada’s economic growth, and Canada continues to welcome the best and brightest from around the world, who help create jobs for Canadians. As we focus on accelerating our recovery, Canada will continue to be the world’s top destination for talent, capital, and jobs.

Today, the Honourable Marco E. L. Mendicino, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, announced a new immigration initiative that will attract students and youth from Hong Kong to Canada by offering a new open work permit and broadening their pathways to permanent residency. This initiative builds on the 2021-2023 Annual Immigration Plan and is designed to encourage recent Hong Kong graduates and those with essential work experience to choose Canada as a place to study, work, and settle. This announcement also supports the commitments made by the Government of Canada to support the many connections between Canada and Hong Kong in response to the Chinese government’s imposition and implementation of the National Security Law in Hong Kong on July 30, 2020.

In addition, a number of enhancements to existing immigration programs, and increasing efforts to raise awareness of these options, will support people from Hong Kong who are currently in Canada and want to stay, or want to begin making plans to come to Canada when the COVID-19 travel restrictions are eventually lifted.

The minister also reassured Canadians and Canadian permanent residents in Hong Kong that they can return to Canada at any time, and any documents they require will be expedited. Family members of Canadians and Canadian permanent residents in Hong Kong may also travel to Canada under the current exemptions to travel restrictions, though all travellers to Canada must quarantine for 14 days upon arrival.

New pathways for Hong Kong youth

Recognizing the talent and skills many Hong Kong students and graduates can bring to Canada’s economy and workforce, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada is announcing a new initiative to allow eligible Hong Kong residents, in Canada or abroad, with recently completed post-secondary studies to apply for an open work permit, which may be valid for up to 3 years.

Obtaining an open work permit will allow Hong Kong residents, particularly young people, to come to or stay in Canada and gain valuable employment experience. After this experience, a new pathway to permanent resident status for in-Canada Hong Kong residents who meet specific eligibility criteria is being created. This new pathway will be available in 2021, and criteria include minimum language and education levels, and 1 year of work experience in Canada.

The Government will also expedite study permit applications for those who want to study in Canada. There has already been an increase in applications for study permits from Hong Kong residents in 2020, and Canada will continue to promote this opportunity. Minister Mendicino announced that, once their studies are completed, these students will have a new dedicated pathway to permanent residence.

Additional Measures

Canada is also introducing new measures to expedite documents for Canadians and permanent residents in Hong Kong, to speed up processing of permanent residence applications, including family sponsorship, which will benefit Hong Kong residents, and to encourage Hong Kong youth to study or work in Canada.

Application processing fees are being waived for Hong Kong residents in Canada on a temporary basis who apply to renew their status to extend their stay.

Minister Mendicino said that Canada continues to support the people of Hong Kong and to stand up for democracy and human rights.

ACHK支援受到中共逼害的台灣人、西藏人、維吾爾人、中國人及其他群體。ACHK 亦同時支援加拿大及國外的原住民以及被邊緣化社區人士。 | [email protected]

公告 新聞稿



  1. 國安法以及加拿大與香港之間的引渡協議
  2. 針對港人的重新安置計劃
  3. 推動馬格尼茨基法案並制裁相關中國及香港政府官員
  4. 舉辦不同工作坊,支援其他位於加拿大的香港組織,並向加拿大政府官員及領袖定期匯報有關香港的狀況



  • (6月30) 與十九個不同組織發岀聯合聲明: 就國安法在港實施暨促籲加拿大政府撤銷香港特別行政地位以及取消加拿大與香港之間的引渡協議
  • (6月30) 推出了電郵聯署行動,譴責國安法違反中英聯合聲明,將中國的司法管轄權無限放大並企圖在全世界行使司法管轄權,並強調加拿大與香港現有的引渡條例的危險性(此行動共有一萬五千人次檢閱)
  • (7月2) 與加拿大總理的高級顧問會面,討論就國安法在港實施後,對故有加港引渡協議,以及對加拿大和在加港人產生的影響
  • (7月3) 慶祝加拿大停止對香港輸出軍事物資和取消對香港的引渡條例,達成了我們五大訴求之一



  • (6月17) 與環球事務部的高級顧問會面,討論移民及難民計畫的可能性和香港人所遇到的困難
  • (6月24) 與外交部秘書長、環球事務部及移民部的高級顧問會面,討論因國安法所衍生對移民及難民計畫的需要
  • (從6月26日到7月7日) 向加拿大政府、移民部、環球事務部及所有國會議員和參議員提交了一份詳細的移民及重新安置計劃政策摘要
  • (7月2) 與高級移民政策主任會面,討論移民政策摘要
  • (7月2) 與總理辦公室的高級顧問會面,討論港人安置政策摘要



  • (從7月3日到7月8日) 向加拿大國會議員及聯邦外交部長商鵬飛提交制裁名單作考慮
  • (7月10) 首輪制裁名單出爐
  • (7月14) 聯同維吾爾族人、西藏人、華人、香港人社區群組、以及包括所有黨派的國會議員和參議員近一百個聯署,呼籲加拿大政府行使外國腐敗官員受害者正義法(馬格尼茲基法案),制裁中共及香港官員


  • (7月7) ACHK成員已經與加拿大五大聯邦政黨會面(自由黨、保守黨、魁人政團、新民主黨、綠黨)
  • (7月7) 發起了電郵聯署行動,促請國會議員重啟國際人權委員會(此行動共有三萬三千人次檢閱)
  • (7月11) 慶祝國際人權委員會重開,以視察在東突厥斯坦及西藏所發生的人權暴行
  • (7月13) ACHK 聯同多倫多支持中國民運會及國際特赦組織加拿大分會,於渥太華劉曉波空凳紀念碑前,獻上紀念花圈
  • (從6月1日到7月14日) 舉辦了三場非公開網絡工作坊,內容包括了解議會游說工作和社區組織交流、以及認識加拿大各大政黨

公告 新聞稿



我們謹此聯署,促請加拿大政府啟用外國腐敗官員受害者正義法(亦稱馬格尼茲基法案)S.C. 2017, c 21,針對在西藏,東突厥斯坦(新疆)及香港,觸犯侵害人權等罪行之官員實施制裁。




如有意加入聯署,歡迎電郵[email protected]


  • Abdulahat Nur, Vice President, East Turkestan Government in Exile
  • Action Free Hong Kong Montreal (滿地可撐香港行動組)
  • Alliance Canada Hong Kong
  • Canadian Friends of Hong Kong (加拿大香港之友)
  • Dawa Jongdong, President of Tibetan Women Association of Ontario
  • Friends of Hong Kong Calgary
  • Friends of Hong Kong Edmonton
  • Halifax Hong Kong Link
  • International Support for Uyghurs
  • Jonathan Fon, President of the Canadian Asian Community Think Tank
  • McGill Students for a Free Tibet
  • McMaster Stands With HK
  • Ontario Universities Hong Kong Awareness Group
  • Ottawa Post-Secondary Institutions’ Hong Kong Awareness Group (渥學繫港)
  • Ottawans Stand with Hong Kong (Ottaviens en solidarité avec Hong Kong, 渥太華人撐香港)
  • Patricia Adams, Executive Director, Probe International
  • Professor David Welch, University of Waterloo
  • Saskatchewan Stands with Hong Kong
  • Sherap Therchin, Executive Director of Canada Tibet Committee
  • Toronto Association for Democracy in China (多倫多支持中國民運會)
  • Torontonians Stand with Hong Kong (多倫多人撑香港)
  • Tsering Wangyal, President of Canadian Tibetan Association of Ontario
  • University of Toronto Hong Kong Extradition Law Awareness Group
  • Vancouver Hong Kong Political Activists (思政學陣)
  • Vancouver Society in Support of Democratic Movement (溫哥華支援民主運動聯合會(溫支聯))
  • Vancouver Uyghur Association
  • Vancouverites Concerned About Hong Kong
  • Waterloo Lion Rock Spirit


  • 議員 Alain Rayes
  • 議員 Alexis Brunelle-Duceppe
  • 議員 Arnold Viersen
  • 議員 Bob Zimmer
  • 議員 Brad Vis
  • 市長 Brad West
  • 議員 Cathay Wagantall
  • 議員 Cathy McLeod
  • 議員 Chris Warkentin
  • 議員 Colin Carrie
  • 議員 Dan Albas
  • 議員 Dane Lloyd
  • 議員 David Sweet
  • 議員 Dean Allison
  • 議員 Derek Sloan
  • 議員 Earl Dreeshen
  • 議員 Ed Fast
  • 議員 Elizabeth May
  • 議員 Erin O’Toole
  • 議員 Garnett Genuis
  • 議員 Glen Motz
  • 議員 Greg McLean
  • 議員 James Bezan
  • 議員 Jamie Schmale
  • 議員 Jasraj Singh Hallan
  • 議員 Jenica Atwin
  • 議員 Jenny Kwan
  • 議員 Jeremy Patzer
  • 議員 John Barlow
  • 議員 John McKay
  • 議員 John Williamson
  • 議員 Judy A. Sgro
  • 議員 Kelly Block
  • 議員 Kelly McCauley
  • 議員 Kenny Chiu
  • 議員 Kerry Diotte
  • 議員 Kerry-Lynne D. Findlay
  • 議員 Kevin Waugh
  • 議員 Kyle Seeback
  • 議員 Larry Maguire
  • 議員 Len Webber
  • 參議員 Leo Housakos
  • 議員 Leona Alleslev
  • 參議員 Linda Frum
  • 議員 Luc Berthold
  • 議員 Marc Dalton
  • 參議員 Marilou McPhedran
  • 議員 Marty Morantz
  • 議員 Matt Jeneroux
  • 議員 Mel Arnold
  • 議員 Michael Barrett
  • 議員 Michael Cooper
  • 議員 Michael Kram
  • 議員 Mike Lake
  • 議員 Nathaniel Erskine-Smith
  • 議員 Nelly Shin
  • 議員 Pat Kelly
  • 議員 Paul Manly
  • 議員 Peter MacKay
  • 國會前議員 Peter Milliken
  • 議員 Phil McColeman
  • 參議員 Pierre J. Dalphond
  • 議員 Pierre Paul-Hus
  • 議員 Rachael Harder
  • 議員 Raquel Dancho
  • 議員 Richard Bragdon
  • 議員 Scott Aitchison
  • 議員 Stéphane Bergeron
  • 議員 Stephanie Kusie
  • 議員 Tako Van Popta
  • 議員 Tamara Jansen
  • 議員 Ted Falk
  • 議員 Todd Doherty
  • 議員 Tom Kmiec
  • 議員 Tony Baldinelli
  • 議員 Tracy Gray
  • 議員 Warren Steinley
  • 議員 Yasmin Ratansi

公告 新聞稿




  • ACHK核心團隊
  • ACHK研究組
  • ACHK支援組
公告 新聞稿



We, the undersigned, condemn the Chinese government’s attempt to illegitimately implement a “national security” law in Hong Kong by circumventing the legislative process.

Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, the Chinese Communist Party is dismantling Hong Kong’s political and press freedoms. We are alarmed by this blatant violation of Hong Kong’s Basic Law Article 18, which experts and activists are interpreting as the death of “One Country, Two Systems” and Hong Kong’s autonomy. The “national security law” is another attempt to silence dissidents and to forcibly impose the Chinese Communist Party’s rule in Hong Kong.

Beijing’s complete disregard for the Sino-British Joint Declaration, a binding international agreement, is reflective of their agenda. The Chinese State has demonstrated that they have no interest in adhering to international norms, but plans to rewrite the rules and reshuffle the international order in their favour.

Hong Kong is no longer an autonomous region, and therefore must be treated as such. We demand the Canadian government and the international community to immediately revoke Hong Kong’s special administrative status by terminating treaties that offer it preferential treatment, starting with the extradition treaty. We must consider Hong Kong’s democratic future outside of the confines of the One-China fantasy.

Canada must stand against the Chinese party-state’s global authoritarian control, both overseas and at home. Beijing has been increasingly exerting pressure within Canada and other nations to mute criticism of its human rights violations and mishandlings of the COVID pandemic. We must stand together as an international community to voice support for the Hong Kong people and our own rights and freedoms.


  • Action Free Hong Kong Montreal
  • Alliance Canada Hong Kong
  • Canada-Hong Kong Link
  • Friends of Hong Kong Edmonton 
  • Halifax-Hong Kong Link
  • Hongkonger in Deutschland e.V. 
  • McMaster Stands with Hong Kong
  • Ottawans Stand With Hong Kong
  • Ottawa Post-Secondary Institutions’ Hong Kong Awareness Group
  • Torontonian HongKongers Action Group
  • Torontonians Stand with Hong Kong
  • Vancouverites Concerned About Hong Kong
  • Vancouver Hong Kong Action Group
  • Vancouver Hong Kong Political Activists
  • Waterloo Lion Rock Spirit 

International Solidarity:

  • Frankfurt stands with Hong Kong 
  • NSW HongKongers
  • Stand With Hong Kong – Belgium
  • Thailand supports Hong Kong

公告 新聞稿


政策簡報: 香港人尋求庇護的計劃選項

ACHK 團隊在6月26日分別向加拿大政府、環球事務部及十位國會議員提交了一份詳細的政策摘要。摘要內容分別由移民律師、政策專家、以及流離加國的港人群體所撰寫而成。政策內容主要列出有效途徑,給予港人透過難民身份、移民申請及就業計劃,前往加拿大定居。

Alliance Canada Hong Kong Core Team
Alliance Canada Hong Kong Research Team
Ai-Men Lau

Avvy Go
Fr. Richard Soo, SJ
Stand with Hong Kong


公告 新聞稿



OTTAWA, ON (June 25, 2020) – Alliance Canada Hong Kong (ACHK) condemns hostage diplomacy and calls attention to the 123 detained Canadians in China. We demand that the Canadian government commit itself to protecting our citizens abroad. With the Meng Wanzhou case, the Chinese government is trying to lure Canada into a hostage situation, where the lives and safety of Canadians are used as a bargaining chip to trade political favours.

Engaging in hostage diplomacy sets a dangerous precedent that will put a target on all Canadians abroad. Since Meng’s arrest, thirteen Canadians have been detained in China, and Michael Spavor and Michael Kovrig are isolated as the primary targets of the Chinese government. If Canada compromises in favour of the Chinese government, it shows that any hostile foreign country can hold Canadians hostage to threaten and pressure the Canadian government into compliance. We must not accept the Chinese government’s hostage-taking and let it diminish Canada’s autonomy and strength on the international stage.

Beijing has deliberately tried to alienate itself from the international community. In 2017, Xi Jinping spoke about his global ambitions and Beijing’s role to “guide the international community to jointly build a more just and reasonably new world order.” The Chinese Communist Party has been rewriting global order in their favour: exporting its authoritarian control onto democratic societies.

Canada must take a strong and principled stance, driving a multilateral approach to take a united stance against China’s systematic hostage diplomacy. The international community needs to stand together in calling for the release of global citizens who are imprisoned for politically-driven reasons in China.

It is undeniable that the Chinese government is holding foreign nationals hostage as chips to bargain with democratic governments. We believe in the unity of democratic societies and our international allies. Canada must stand with our allies, rather than kneeling before Beijing’s autocracy. Other nations are looking to our example.

Instead, ACHK recommends the following policy solutions:

1. Launch a coordinated response with other democratic societies to demand the release of foreign nationals who are arrested for politically motivated crimes;

2. Investigate the feasibility of bringing back Canadians via international institutional avenues, such as the International Court of Justice & Human Rights Council;

3. Investigate and combat foreign interference into Canadian institutions, through a national registry of foreign agents and national foreign influence transparency legislation.

ACHK supports and welcomes Taiwanese, Tibetan, Uyghur, Chinese, and other communities who are suffering from persecution by the Chinese Communist Party. ACHK stands in solidarity with Indigenous and marginalized communities both within Canada and abroad. | [email protected]




Originally published at Hill Times

Reckoning with the WHO’s handling of health crises

Throughout the pandemic, Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has starred in Chinese propaganda videos for heaping lavish praise on Chinese authorities, despite the government’s alleged coverup of the outbreak and ham-fisted response.

On April 16, U.S. President Donald Trump announced that he would halt funding for the World Health Organization. Many believe that this is a ploy to distract from American struggles to contain the COVID-19 pandemic. But a sober look at the WHO reveals that the organization is rife with alleged corruption, abetted apparent Chinese propaganda and coverups, and deserves significant criticism.

The WHO’s financial improprieties go back years. In 2017, the Associated Press revealed that while investigating the Ebola outbreak in Guinea, then-director general Margaret Chan stayed in a US$1,000 a night presidential suite at a five-star beachside hotel. The report exposed that WHO spends almost half of its total budget on travel, including business class flights—in sharp contrast with Doctors Without Borders and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control. More recently, the WHO has faced a surge in internal corruption allegations, including schemes attempting to defraud the organization for large amounts of money. Meanwhile, the WHO body leading the coronavirus response was left chronically underfunded.

American concerns about the WHO include the organization’s deference to China, such as helping Beijing to disseminate propaganda, downplaying the extent of the outbreak, and excluding Taiwan. All of these claims are accurate.

Throughout the pandemic, Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has starred in Chinese propaganda videos for heaping lavish praise on Chinese authorities, despite the government’s alleged coverup of the outbreak and ham-fisted response. Without irony, he praised the “transparency” of the Chinese leadership, and said that “China is setting a new standard for outbreak response”—a statement which is technically correct, given China’s “new standard” of arresting the doctors who spotted the initial outbreak.

Dr. Tedros’ cozy relationship with Beijing resulted in the WHO putting far too much faith in Chinese statistics. On Jan. 14, the WHO parrotted Beijing’s claim that there was no evidence of human-to-human transmission, even though Chinese doctors had been claiming this for weeks and Taiwanese authorities warned the WHO about such transmission in December. Notably, this is not the first time Dr. Tedros has been accused of a coverup: in 2017, when he was health minister for the brutally repressive Marxist Ethiopian government, Tedros was accused, by the adviser of a rival candidate for the WHO job, of covering up three different cholera outbreaks—accusations that he denied.

The WHO’s delay in declaring a public health emergency of international concern and advising against travel restrictions were widely criticized as too deferential to Beijing’s wishes. Many nations began cancelling flights and screening passengers anyway—in tacit admission of the WHO’s unreliability. Japan’s deputy prime minister, Taro Aso, went so far as to suggest that the organization be renamed to the Chinese Health Organization.

WHO adviser Lawrence Gostin admitted, “We were deceived. Myself and other public health experts, based on what the WHO and China were saying, reassured the public that this was not serious … we were giving a false sense of assurance.”

Taiwan, which has handled the pandemic with tremendous success, is completely shunned by the WHO, allegedly at China’s behest. Bruce Aylward, a Canadian who serves as senior adviser to Dr. Tedros, appeared to — some say pretend — to not hear a reporter’s question when she asked him about Taiwan. When the reporter repeated her question, Aylward appeared to hang up on her. True to form for avoiding tough questions, last week Aylward abruptly cancelled plans to appear in front of the House Health Committee to explain the WHO’s handling of the pandemic.

The Macdonald-Laurier Institute reported that “one of Taiwan’s keys to success was using its own intelligence on the outbreak in China rather than relying on Chinese propaganda or WHO pronouncements.” Indeed, Ottawa seems to be the only party standing that still accepts the Chinese figures at face value: Health Minister Patty Hajdu recently dismissed as “conspiracy theories” claims that the Chinese government’s figures are unreliable. When it comes to self-defeating deference to China, the WHO has company.

公告 新聞稿

ACHK 譴責香港大規模拘捕十五名民主領袖

安大略省,渥太華 (2020年4月19日) Alliance Canada Hong Kong (ACHK) 譴責香港政府於四月十八日大規模拘捕及起訴十五名民主領袖。





ACHK策略及政策總監Alex Ra Lee表示:「我們不能讓北京借武漢肺炎疫情之際打壓香港。加拿大人必須緊記,北京的魔爪非止於香港,加國亦身受其害。我們必須支持香港,要求中共官員為他們造成的人權災難及警方暴力負上責任,並為受中共逼害而要求政治庇護的人士提供人道支援。」


ACHK 支援受到中共逼害的台灣人、西藏人、維吾爾人、中國人及其他群體並歡迎他們加入。ACHK 亦同時支援加拿大及國外的原住民以及被邊緣化社區的人士。 | [email protected]

公告 新聞稿



在香港以至武漢,醫療人員都在缺乏物資供應及不安全之環境下超時工作。雖然處境險惡,他們仍努力以其前線身份奮力對抗及減低新冠狀病毒之爆發,他們都將病人安危放於首位,ACHK致以衷心支持 。


當公眾健康及安危正面臨病毒摧殘之巨難,香港醫務專業人員再三對港府勸告、建議及提出訴求。 但港府充耳不聞,虛作回應致令他們進行規諫性之罷工行動,對此,ACHK深表理解,全力支持。


ACHK支援受到中共逼害的台灣人、西藏人、維吾爾人、中國人及其他群體。ACHK 亦同時支援加拿大及國外的原住民以及被邊緣化社區人士。 | [email protected]