Alliance Canada HK

A collective to mobilize and empower Canada-Hong Kong community groups to take political action

Our demands for the Canadian Government

We concluded survey with Citizens Press Conference to find out what actions Canadians and Hong Kongers are hoping to see from the Canadian government.

We are stronger, together

By bringing together local community groups across the nation and forming an alliance together, we will give weight to the Hong Konger community groups in the eyes of Canadians and our politicians.

We stand in support of Taiwanese, Tibetian, Uyghurs, and other communities who are also suffering from the tyranny of the Chinese Communist Party

ACHK Community Groups


Action Free Hong Kong Montreal
Montreal, QC


Ottawans Stand with Hong Kong
Ottawa, ON

Ottawa Post-Secondary Institutions’ Hong Kong Awareness Group
Ottawa, ON

Toronto Hong Konger Network
Toronto, ON

York University Hong Kong Politics Awareness Group
Toronto, ON

Waterloo Lion Rock Spirit
Waterloo, ON

McMaster Stands with HK
Hamilton, ON

UofT HK Extradition Law Awareness Group
Toronto, ON

Ontario Hong Kong Youth Action (OHKYA)


Saskatchewan Stands with Hong Kong
Regina, SK


Friends of Hong Kong Edmonton
Edmonton, AB

British Columbia

Vancouver Hong Kong Political Activist (VHKPoActs)
Vancouver, BC

Vancouverites Stand with Righteousness (VanSWR)
Vancouver, BC

UBC The Enlightenment of Hong Kong (UBCEHK)
Vancouver, BC

Vancouverites Concerned About Hong Kong (VanCAHK)
Vancouver, BC

Victoria BC Hong Kongers
Victoria, BC


Canada HongKonger

Canadian Friends of Hong Kong